After reading Shotgun's postings, that is so creepy, but true. Hard to believe Goldhammer wasn't a JW.
That's what I found frightening as well.
I thought that since I was out of the JW's, I could never be suckered into another high-control group again.
The thing I have to now consider for myself is this: can I lose my 'true self' even in an a supposedly 'innocuous' group, and therefore, be robbed of true happiness?
Here's some info on Goldhammer:
Goldhammer is a cult survivor himself [never JW, but Niscience].
He joined the cult after having an education, home, wife, kids, fancy car in the driveway, the whole nine yards.
Most people would say he had it all.
He says he felt a 'God-Hole', like something was missing, and that is how he got sucked into a cult.
I find this bio info of interest because many people feel that only a stupid person would get sucked into a cult.
This just is not the case.